Weekend Boost No. 82


If you’re like many of my clients, September is a time to gear up for what is to come in October- which tends to be a really busy time of the year in terms of work planning and budgeting. It is also important to note that in the last quarter a lot of LIFE has been happening. With summer vacations, and changes in schedules, this is also a really good time to gear up for the fall. 

This week- I want to invite you to take 15 minutes to start a personal quarterly review. Here’s an amazing format that will help you breakdown the highs and lows of last quarter along with a look towards the future. What I love about this framework is that it isn’t just about your professional life- but also includes space and prompts for your personal life as well. 

If we want to lead in our lives and move towards the goals we have for ourselves, our teams, our families, and our world- we start by checking in one quarter at the time. 


Weekend Boost No. 83


Weekend Boost No. 81