Weekend Boost No. 89
As we fly through Q4 - there are so many topics that are important for leaders.
The resources being shared this week don't quite follow a theme - other than the fact that they feed curiosity. These reflect some of what has been surfacing in conversations with clients, teams, and friends.
Getting back to basics in project management - this HBR article highlights key approaches for avoiding project failure.
Reclaiming power when you do not feel like you are in control with this podcast, with Kemi Nekvapil and Adam Grant.
A few tips on how to say "No" whether you're embracing "No"vember or know that you are already at capacity in work and life.
During this time of the year, I like to start asking clients how they are going to start saying no to more work and more requests as they sense pressure to accomplish everything before the end of the year. Try out these steps and see what emerges for you.
Block the time you plan to take for holidays and/or vacations between now and December 31.
List all of the deadlines, travel, and commitments you have in your work and personal life.
Reflect - do you have too much, too little, or just the right amount of commitments considering your existing capacity (capacity = time and energy)?
What do you need in order to say 'no' to new requests between now and the end of 2023?