Weekend Boost No. 93


As 2023 comes to a close, here's a practice I lead each year with clients and friends that you can do on your own or with a friend. 

You'll need: your calendar, photos from 2023, a big piece of paper, and your favorite markers. 

Start by dividing your paper into 12 sections - one section for each month.  Set a timer and spend 20 minutes going through your calendar, photos, journal to capture the following for each month:

  • Major Events

  • Celebrations

  • Lessons/Learnings

  • Challenges

Take a few moments to review what you've identified. When you're ready, complete the following prompt listing all the things that come to mind.

2023 was a year of ...

See what comes up and as always please share how this works for you as you land your year.


Weekend Boost No. 94


Weekend Boost No. 92