Weekend Boost No. 60
During these last few weeks I've had the chance to connect and work with many leaders who - as diverse as they are - have one thing in common. They are incredibly generous - generous with their time, experience, and resources.
Here are three resources that unpack generosity.
This short article in Inc. shares 12 principles for generous leadership.
This TED talk by the former Chief Innovation Officer for Acumen Fund shares his experience with his "generosity experiment" and what happened when he said yes to every request he received for help.
Generous or empathetic leaders may worry that they are viewed as "weak" or "naive". This article debunks that and poses the opposite - that generous leaders are confident.
Take a moment to consider...
How is your leadership generous?
What impact do you notice as a result of your generosity?
Be sure to consider ALL areas of your life where you are a leader (self, family, community, work, etc.)