Weekend Boost No. 74


If you're constantly feeling like all you do as a leader or manager is put out fires - you are not alone. This experience is common among many of the leaders I've been working with and speaking to over the last 2 years.

Here are a few resources to help you move from fire fighting, to doing the strategic and meaningful leadership that's needed. 

  • Here's a great article via the Washington Post that offers a checklist that lays out the basic things to consider if fixing problems always lands at the top of your list of priorities. 

  • Wanting more? Here's another from Forbes. 

  • To move from fighting fires to being more strategic, leaders need to acknowledge how they are currently spending their time and what needs to change so that they can be more effective. The "Eisenhower Box" is a great tool for this (you may know if it as urgent v. important). James Clear describes it best in this blog post.


If you have found yourself in what feels like a cycle that you can't seem to break, I want to challenge you to try this out. 

  1. Assess yourself using this checklist. On a scale from 1-5 how well are you doing in each category? Where could you improve?

  2. Looking at the week ahead, map out how you will be spending your time using this tool.

  3. Identify 1 thing you can change this week that will create more spaciousness to advance something you've been neglecting as a leader.


Weekend Boost No. 75


Weekend Boost No. 73