Weekend Boost No. 97
There is a lot changing in our world right now that is having an impact on leaders and the way they are viewing their roles and commitment.
Here are some tools for surfing change - whether it be inside your organization, or your home:
These steps from The Conscious Leadership Group are a great go to when you find yourself a little lost and unsure of the next step.
Many of the challenges I see with teams are a result of their organizations delegating change management. This HBR article emphasizes the need for senior leaders to stay in the ring, in charge, and accountable during times of change.
In this video, Simon Sinek describes his definition of "the infinite mindset" and its use in navigating change.
Where in your life are you viewing a current or upcoming change as a threat?
What would it take to think of it as a challenge instead?
Apply the characteristics of an "infinite mindset" and notice what happens.