Weekend Boost No. 126


We often feel the pressure to plan-do-advance. These are indeed leader behaviors - as is the behavior of "staying". When leaders stay, they listen and gather information about what is needed before moving forward. With this historic week for the U.S. coming to an end, I want to encourage us all to hang with this idea - that staying as leaders is as powerful as acting and when we choose to stay we can access our full leadership potential. 

Staying as a leader requires being mindful. Check out this article from Mindful that offers tips. 


Having awareness about what it is like, why it is hard, and what we need as leaders to "stay" is essential in being able to tap into it in an intentional way. Take a few minutes to reflect with yourself...

  • What is possible for you as a leader if you choose to "stay"?

  • What impact might that have?

  • What do you need in order to stay?

For example: If I choose to stay - I will be able to listen deeply to myself and others. The impact of this is a clear best next step. In order to do this, I need patience from myself and trust from others that something is emerging through my leadership - even if it has yet to be seen. 


Weekend Boost No. 127


Weekend Boost No. 125