Weekend Boost No. 127


We're doing something a little different with this week's email. As we continue to explore and learn about how leaders view and imagine the future of our world, here are a few things of interest I've come across.

The Women Council: still under-development, this initiative aims to meet immediate needs while working on the vision of "an interconnected future - a world where the remnants of patriarchy are dismantled and a new order is born, where human and non-human life coexist with care and dignity."

From the Earth Commission - a brief on Earth system justice - defined as an equitable sharing among all people of Earth-system nature's benefits, risks, and related responsibilities, within safe and just boundaries to provide universal life support and wellbeing. 

People Fixing The World from the BBC:  a podcast about brilliant solutions to the world's problems. This short episode focuses on real innovations in healthcare. 


I would love to know where you go for inspiration as a leader. What ideas or resources are resonating with you right now?


Weekend Boost No. 128


Weekend Boost No. 126