Weekend Boost No. 129
(especially when they are organized)
I was in Nairobi, Kenya this past week attending a conference and leading a workshop for women working in digital health. Connecting with colleagues and committed leaders - it was incredibly energizing. I left the conference with new ideas, relationships, and last but not least - an incredible book recommendation from my friend Olivia, "Build a Second Brain" by Tiago Forte. I read the whole book on the flight home and I'm jazzed to try out this framework for personal knowledge management. Here are two ways to explore this one on your own.
Tiago Forte's website, Forte Labs, offers articles, free guides, and details about the PARA method, a personal knowledge management system.
Here's Forte's keynote speech, Managing the Complexities of Modern Life, where he discusses the importance of externalizing memory and organizing knowledge using tools like a Second Brain.
Have you tried any of these approaches before? How might a "personal knowledge management" system help you in your life and leadership?