Weekend Boost No. 138


This is a question I'm hearing, a question I'm asking. One thing I do know is that I have to make sure that my core needs are met before I venture out into the world trying to serve others (even if that service is as simple as making my kid's breakfast).


Locate yourself - where are you in space and time? What's outside your closest window? What sounds do you hear? How does the air around you feel? Warm? Cold? Heavy?

Now that you're present to what you are experiencing in this moment, pause to wonder what you need right now.

What does it look like to follow that thought?

Here are two resources that came to mind when I did this exercise to help me write this weekend's boost. I hope they help you as well.

  • I just recently learned about the term "professional heartbreak." This HBR article expands on the concept and offers tips for grieving and moving on.

  • And here's a video/podcast from Trevor Noah where he interviews Ruha Benjamin - it's titled RIP, DEI. If you're ready to dig into some intellectual analysis of this right now - this episode is ready for you.


1. Find your favorite writing tools (electronic or paper). 
2. Get real comfy (fav drink, music, maybe).
3. Set a timer for 10 minutes. 
4. Start to free write - whatever comes to mind. The rule here is not to raise your pen from the paper or fingers from the keyboard.
5. See what comes up.

There is no wrong way to do this - my first sentence when I did this the first time was something like...I'm sitting here writing for 10 minutes because someone said it was a good idea - so here I am...


Weekend Boost No. 137