Weekend Boost No. 28


Here in the U.S. we are smack in the middle of summer season, when I have the hardest time focusing.

Here are some resources to tap into if you're feeling the same thing.

  • This article from the Greater Good Institute (UC Berkeley) lays out what's underneath mind-wandering and why finding focus can be so hard to begin with!

  • Some tips for focusing are outlined here.

  • This week's "What's in Your Leadership Backpack" includes a discussion and some tips for becoming more fluent with your own emotions - a great first step in understanding what you may need to address before you can focus. Check it out here.


Here's a challenge - taking Peter Drucker's quote (see below) to heart, what on your current To-Do List can you say "no" to?

"There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency
what should not be done at all."

~Peter Drucker


Weekend Boost No. 29


Weekend Boost No. 27