Weekend Boost No. 63
We're well into 2023 - goals are set, leaders and teams are on board, now what? Caring for the health of any team is an ongoing practice.
Here are two resources to help you think about and plan for your team's needs as the year progresses.
This HBR article offers 6 strategies for when you're frustrated with your team.
In this "What's in Your Leadership Backpack" episode, Conrad and I share some basic structures leaders can use to support their team.
If you're a leader of anything (a team, organization, family, recreational softball team), take a moment to imagine how you want your team to feel at the end of this year. Tracking backwards, what support do you need to lead them not only to be successful but in collaboration and connection as well?
Identify what you need and start exploring what it would take to find the resources to get the support you all need.